Company Documents – What we need


Lawyers discuss details and notify people who intend to establish new companies, what documents must be prepared.

Currently the company can also be registered online using the Company Registration Agency website. When registration must be carried out in the form of paper, for limited companies, the following company documents must be prepared.

The first document is a form that contains the company’s details, such as the name, the location of the headquarters of the company’s headquarters, secretaries and director or the approved company director (if any). Information about stock capital and details about each stock class must also be included for companies that are limited by shares.

An important item of the documentation for a company is a memorandum association. Memorandum contains all names and all the company’s signatures that make up customers. When the company will be limited in terms of shares, memorandum must also show commitment to each customer to take one share at least.

The Articles of Association is another part of the company document. In the article, the rules for the company’s operation are described, internal management details, and legal responsibilities that must be taken. There is also an opportunity for companies to take advantage of standard articles available for these purposes.

Memorandum Association and Articles of Association, as well as forms with company names, addresses and other details can also be downloaded from the company’s company website. To ensure that they will fill in documents or modify it that is in accordance with the scope of their company’s activities and business, the company owner can switch to lawyers or company formation agents to get documents from them.

At present the preparation of a business plan is very important to lay the foundation of business success. The business plan has two goals, and there is also the third advantage of having a business plan compiled by a professional in preparing corporate documents. First of all, the plan is used as a guide throughout the existence of the company, such as blueprints, and managers and owners can use it to analyze their work and introduce change if needed to increase the company’s profitability. Second, there are requirements for the company to have a business plan if it intends to find financing, because it contains information about the projections that function and in the future. For international active companies, additional benefits are that business plans help evaluate business potential of every company in foreign markets.

In the process of functioning the company there are company documents that must be prepared periodically or when the need arises. Some of the most frequently prepared documents are accounting types, including receipts, payment invoices, cash invoices, etc. Documents that help regulate financial information into the data set for the purposes of analysis or other objectives are financial statements. They can be prepared on a monthly basis, quarterly, annual, or on request. Accounting documents prepared on the annual basis are the most useful and provide the deepest insight because it contains a large set of information items and provides a complete idea of ​​company performance during certain years.

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